We went really high-tech determining the winner:) I put every one's name in a dish, and my Handsome Prince drew one name out. Congratulations Lisa!! Thank you for your sweet comments, and I will be delivering your prize to you soon.
Now for the reason you are here!
Welcome to our Guest Room! This is one of my very favorite rooms in our house. LOTS of very special things are in this room. This is the view as you come down the hall from the Formal Living Room. I spent a weekend painting the walls a cheerful shade of pale yellow and all the wood work is painted Gloss White.
I am VERY Blessed to have several of the quilts that my Grandmother and Great-Grandma made. This pretty pink rose quilt on the bed was made by my Grandmother Johnson and given to Larry and I when we were married. Grandma was very proud of the fact that she made each of her grandchildren a quilt as a wedding gift. This quilt is special to me because Grandma taught me to cross-stitch and she cross-stitched the squares and then hand pieced the squares together. She also made the crocheted throw pillows you see on the bed. I also love Bunnies! There are many in this room. Here is a close-up of one of the tassels I got from The Nester. LOVE IT! He looks so proud hanging there with all his lush frilliness! I also love my white crocheted curtains I found at WAL*MART! They are perfect in this room.

Special Family photos. Top Row: Left to right we have my Grandparent and Great Grandparents on my Daddy's side, three Generations of wedding photos (My Great Grandparents, my Parents and my Grandparents on my Mom's side) More old family photos of my Mom's family. Bottom row: The Handsome Prince's Family photo, the smaller photograph is the last Thanksgiving before his Sister Deb passed away. The long skinny one is my Great Grandma Eckman's farm. The family is standing in the yard, and my Grandma was just a young girl. The Baby picture and shoes are my Mommy's, along with a more recent photograph of them.
Hey Sherri, I love your sense of humor and the bedroom is great. I especially like the old dresser and the old baby carriage. Thanks for letting us tour.
Great tour-you have a lot of sentimental things in there!
And I may have to steal the cross from my mom!!!
WOW! Thanks for drawing my name, Larry!
I love the antiques and meaningful, sentimental pictures and all that you have in your guest room. It's beautiful!
Wow, that dresser is amazing...I can't believe you were able to restore it after it had been painted. Love the tassel! I'm also a fan of The Nester. :)
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